2024 Calendar – Updated 9/17/24

2025 Calendar – Updated 9/23/24


Helene Emergency Order Certificate

Helene Chief Justice Emergency Order

New Local Rule

Upon the filing of any motion seeking disposition of a civil case such as motions for summary judgment, motions to dismiss, or any similar motion the
filing party shall, upon filing, forward a copy of the motion to the Law Clerk for review.

(You can email a copy of the motion to the Law Clerk.)

Attention WebEx Users

If you or a client is going to appear by WebEx, we highly recommend you invest in a headset with a microphone. The different variants of “earbuds” are not sufficient and provide minimum clarity and quality. We recommend something similar to this. If you cannot be heard on WebEx, the Judge might require you to appear in Court in person. 

DRFA Instructions

Instructions entitled Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit, have been added to our Forms Page. It can be used for Bar use as well as pro-se litigants.

WebEx v. Zoom

The LMJC uses WebEx as its preferred, secure means of conducting Court remotely. As such, we do not email links but will provide a Meeting Room Number as a means of logging into the system. We use a WebEx Spark system and since this is a peer-to-peer platform, someone from our end will allow entrance into the meeting at the appropriate time.

Zoom can be used for meetings that are typically not conducted in the Courtrooms that have the WebEx Spark system. At that time, Judges or their representatives will send out links to allow logging into the Zoom meetings.

Catoosa Clerk’s Office

Tracy Brown, Clerk of Court of Catoosa County, says the link below is up and running. A Guest Search is available on this site.

Catoosa County Web Search


Per Chief Judge Graham, attorneys ARE REQUIRED to use the State Form when filing TPOs. This email might explain this better.

Signed and Filed on July 8th, 2022

Mediation Order

Exhibit A

Notice To Attorneys

If you need a court reporter for a hearing on Zoom or WebEx, it is your responsibility to let the Judge know ahead of time. Zoom or WebEx recordings are not part of the record.

Speaking of Zoom and WebEx

The LMJC will continue to utilize both Zoom and WebEx, at the discretion of the judges. If you wish to have a hearing with one of our judges, please contact their office to discuss filing a request. Zoom is available for download here.  Choose Zoom Client For Meetings.

If you’re using WebEx, download from this site.

Pro Se Divorce Forms

There is a new page dedicated to the Pro Se Divorce Filing Forms we had previously posted as one file. Every effort has been made to separate them into more manageable files. The link to the page is located to the left.

However, if you wish to download the entire package of forms (90+ pages, including instructions), click the link below.

Pro Se Divorce Paperwork

Clerk of Court Essential Services

Reminder About Efiling

When attorneys efile divorce cases, some are not including the report of divorce form that is required to be sent to the State of Georgia when the case is final. PeachCourt has a report of divorce proceeding that can be used when uploading the case for initial filing. This form must be included when the case is final. This report is also required if you bring the final order to the Clerk’s office.

Order Granting Petition For Quo Warranto

Chattooga Probate Court Preparation of Documents

The Center For Hope reminds all defense attorneys of the opportunities they provide through Pre-Trial Diversion Programs.  Please download and/or read this  important information.

The Center For Hope

We have a new login for Loislaw, which is now called FASTCASE.  Click on the name and it will take you directly to the login page.  But you need to contact Cindy Hall in Judge Van Pelt’s office or me (Your Chief Court Administrator) for the Login and Password.  You can also text me for the login information.

If you want to receive the LMJC Calendars,                                                      email me at keithbates@lmjc.net for instructions.

Webmail Login

Misc. Forms

New Guilty Plea Affidavit

First Offender Sentencing Notice

TransParenting Classes

Georgia Bar Directory
